So life has been really exciting this last year.
We moved back to Utah and we love it out here but Aaron may be going to work in Wyoming we are still trying to figure that out.
But I digress we moved back to Utah on December 5,2009 and were able to get everything moved in and for the most part unpacked. We were blessed to be able to get our endowments on December 19, 2009 exactly 4 years and a month to the day we were married!
For my Christmas present this last year my husband and I were sealed to each other for time and all eternity on December 23, 2009
I will never forget the peace and love I felt that day in the temple as I looked at my husband across the alter and listen to the blessing we received.
I bet you are asking what happened to the baby? well we found out that we were having a BOY!
and we were ecstatic! I had a very normal pregnancy I only got sick twice but the first time it was a extreme migraine and I had to go to the ER and I threw up a few hours after g
etting the pain medicine so I don't count that one and the other time I had HORRIBLE pain in my side that required and ultrasound and 6 HOURS in the ER they would have released me earlier but I wouldn't stop throwing up because of the pain and then the medicine so I don't really count that either.
I did have some spotting at 26 weeks but they decided that it was nothing after having me at Labor and Delivery for 4 hours just to make sure. we never did find out what it was.
You may already hate me but get ready for more.... ;D I didn't really gain weight till about 7 months then I gained about 25 at what seemed like overnight. At 36 weeks I was having A LOT of swelling in my legs so I was in the Dr's office about every other day getting checked out. Well at 38 weeks and 5 days the Dr decided that I was getting preeclampsia and that it was time to start me so at 10:30 am on April 8th I arrived at the hospital and was checked in and was given a room and give one of those "lovely" nightgowns. about 11:30 is when they finally had me hooked up to the pitocin to get things started I was at a 3 and 90% effaced so I was thinking this could take a while and everyone was telling that the contractions KILLED with pitocin but I really didn't feel anything till about 5 or 6 pm that night. This whole time I was alone in my room as Aaron was off doing his own thing as usual. At 3 pm my Dr came in and decided to break my water thinking it would speed things up because I was only about a 5 but I was 100% effaced but I think it slowed it down. By 5pm the contractions really let me know that they were there and they hit with a vengeance. I requested some pain meds so I could sleep I only asked for half a dose because it
only last an hour so I spread it out some. By 6 pm the pain meds were not letting me sleep so I requested a Epidural and my anesthesiologist was amazing the only thing I felt was his finger nail marking my back. I was a weird one apparently because I could still move my legs and I could still feel pressure if someone pushed on my leg but other than that I was numb. Well at 7 they checked me and I was at an 7 and something at 8 pm at 9 pm I was a 9 and 1/2 so they came and checked me at 10 ans I was complete so they started getting the room ready.
I had the best nurses ever. My day nurse was named Carol and my nurse who actually helped me deliver was Besty.
I loved my nurse she knew exactly what to do. So at 10:30 they room is ready and they have me start pushing and at 11pm she called the Dr to tell him I am about to crown so he needed to get there fast. well they had me stop pushing at this point and my epidural had worn OFF!
Needless to say I not happy when 20 minutes later and the Dr was not there and the baby's head was out to his NOSE! Besty had called in a Nurse practitioner to come catch the baby. I remember her calling her in telling her.. The Dr's not going to make it in time.. well as she was gowning up in walks the Dr. he asks if I have an epidural and they tell him yes but it was worn off and he tells them to push the button! I don't think so!
I am panting and ready to cry and he finally comes over and has me push hal
f a push and the baby's head came out. after he gets his nose cleaned out he has me do half a push again and he is completely out!!! But the Dr. almost dropped him because he was so slippery. So he had little bruises on his thighs for about a weeks and a HUGE bruise on his head and it was slightly coned from having to sit at the entrance for 20 minutes.
Our beautiful Baby Boy was born at 11:24pm on April 8,2010. He weighed in at 7lbs 10 ounces
and 20 1/2 inches long!
We named our little miracle Adam Aaron Robison.
He had to spend 2 days in the NICU. he had some trouble breathing and eating at the same time but after having some oxygen for a while he was just fine, the Dr just wanted to make sure he wasn't sick.
We brought our beautiful miracle home on Sunday April 11,2010
Since then it has been one joyous adventure and discovery after another.