Current War Stats
World War-1914-1918 (4 years)
World War II - 1939-1945( 6 years)
Allied Casualties -62,000,000 US Casualties -405,399Korean War- 1950-1953 (3 years) Allied Casualties - 350,000 US Casualties - 36,568Vietnam War-1959-1975 (16 years) Allied Casualties - 66,161 US Casualties - 58,177OIF(2/27/2008)- 2003- Present (6 Years) Allied Casualties- 4,280 US Casualties - 3,973OEF(2/27/2008)- 2001- Present (8 Years) Allied Casualties - 772 US Casualties - 450D-Day June 6 ,1944 Allied Casualties 10,000 US Casualties 6603Pearl Harbor December 7 , 1941 Casualties 2,403September 11 September 11, 2001 Casualties 2,973For comparison United Kingdom total population 60,000,000
Funny that this War has gone on longer than WW I and the same amount of time as WW II but is not even CLOSE to the amount of deaths. And for that matter the war has gone on LONGER than Korean War but still not even CLOSE to the same death totals.. Funny how in WWI and WWII men and women would MOURN the fallen but CHEER for the living yet today the fallen are exploited for political gain and the living are cursed and attacked by the media. Isn't funny how the Soldiers you curse and condemn make it possible for you to have the RIGHT to criticize them and the government without fear of reprisal. Strange that FDR declared war on Japan the VERY NEXT DAY. But it took President Bush 1 year and 7 months before he declared war on Iraq yet people say that he was too hasty in his decision! Sad that a CIVILIAN doing the SAME EXACT JOB in Iraq as the Soldiers yet get paid thousands more a month but when it comes time to give the Soldiers a hard earned raise the money has suddenly dried up or disappeared. Funny what they DON'T put on the news or in the newspapers. Funny???? Are you laughing yet??? Information provided by
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