Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Important Things

Well it's been over a month since Aaron deployed and I have to say it's been REALLY hard. A lot harder than the last deployment that we had and I think I've figured out why. Last deployment we were still working on becoming a couple, a unit. Now that we've had a while to learn it's hard to give up that support system that you come to depend on a daily basis. It's hard to go back to being a single for the most part. But for the important part you still have each other. The Births, Anniversaries, Holidays, New jobs, Graduations, the things you will treasure for the rest of your life. You learn to forget the unimportant things and to forgive easier. It's funny that for some people it takes a deployment to remind you of how good you have it and although being married is FAR from easy it is MORE than worth it. If I have learn one thing in this past month it's to hold on to the important things like a phone call once a week, secretly hoping that a letter will be waiting in the mail box when you get home, the pictures he sends, the sound of his voice, the way he can make everything better with a single hug, his touch and smile, the way he can make you laugh without any effort at all, the way he makes you feel safe, cherished and loved with a single look. I pray that I never forget the important things in our marriage and that I don't clutter it with the everyday hassles that plague us through out our lives. I pray that you don't forget the truly important things and that you never forget to say I LOVE YOU when you part and mean it. Because you never know when they will be gone, whether for good or just a little while.

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